Our Quest for Value

It is human nature to seek value in the things we buy, in our business or personal endeavors, and in the relationships we keep. In this blog, we will create value for each other by sharing insights on the need and importance of content strategy.

Defined as “A plan for managing content in a way that maximizes business value,” content strategy plays a key role in managing project stakeholders and combating the all too familiar issues that have plagued the field. These are the dreaded delays, conflicting cost overruns, low morale and productivity that result from poor communication across the organization.

Life Cycle of Content

Working with project teams, we will ensure the effective execution of the governance phases of your content’s lifecycle outlined below:


Kim Sydow Campbell, Ph.D.
Introducing Digital Content Strategy
(Module 1: TECM 5200)

Kim Sydow Campbell, Ph.D. – YouTube. (n.d.). www.youtube.com. Retrieved January 23, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/@KimSydowCampbellPhD

In the strategizing phase project content requirements and goals are aligned to the budget and master schedule beginning the life cycle. When high-quality projects deliver their services within scope, on time, and within budget it is easier for us to design original work or acquire needed content in the create phase.

Establishing standard management procedures, and lines of communication to ensure regular flow of information for content control and coordination is done in the manage phase.  Customizing communications to target audience’s language and most suitable method of delivery assures us that it is understood and received as intended. In the optimization phase new content performance is reviewed against initial goals by using analytics, and is upgraded or archived.

Lastly, key documentation (e.g., as-built, blueprints, contracts, legal and tax related documents) must comply with regulatory and industry standards.  To facilitate compliance document management and content strategy procedures should be included in your company’s information governance policy.

We were delighted to discover that content strategy tactics can be implemented for all information items regardless of format type.  Future posts will explore content strategy techniques and tools. I hope you found some value.



